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Ashleigh Kassock

Convention 2023: Two Weeks later

Hello everyone,

It's been two weeks already since most of us returned from the convention, and though we are never really "caught up", I have let the beautiful imagery and experience settle in! I think we can all agree that it was most enjoyable, fruitful and a wonderful spiritual experience! Fr. Jorge was an outstanding host and I loved the weather in Texas!

We accomplished so much after months of planning, and I want to again convey my deep appreciation to all for your continued enthusiasm and support of NASPA's mission and ministry to our Shrines. It reaffirms the importance of early planning and dedicated follow up in all we do!

On Tuesday of last week, I participated in a telephone interview with Teresa Bergen who is an Oregon based travel writer working on a story about Catholic Shrine tourism for East West News Service. It was a wonderful opportunity to share our mission and encourage Shrine visitation and pilgrimage. I hope to see the article and will share it with everyone whenever it is published!

As we move forward with our newest Board members, and plan ahead for our visit to Rome in November for the International Shrine Conference, I pray that you are finding your ministry more and more valuable and appreciated as each day passes. As we welcome our pilgrims and nurture them through our care, we are doing His will in the world! May God continue to bless each of you!

Looking forward to our meeting in October!

Carol Bezak

NASPA President

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