About Us
What does NASPA do?
The National Association of Shrine and Pilgrimage Apostolate (NASPA) is an association of shrines that have been designated as national Catholic shrines or that have been designated diocesan shrines. Formed in 1990 by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the purpose of NASPA is:
To restore the meaning of pilgrimage as a religious and spiritual experience of renewal, thus enhancing a sense of evangelization to a pilgrim people.
To cooperate with diocesan directors of pilgrimages and pilgrimage leaders so that the pilgrimage experience will become a spiritual journey of faith.
To inspire interest in pilgrimages to the shrines sacred to our Catholic heritage in this country and abroad.
To be of service to shrine personnel and directors of pilgrimages in their ministry to a pilgrim people, and to enable collaboration of efforts to this end.
Episcopal Liaison
Our Officers
Our Board Members / USCCB Liaison

Marilyn Santos
Associate Director
Secretariat of Evangelization & Catechesis
USCCB Liaison

Thomas Burnford
Manager of Events and Visitor Services